CPC Optimisation: Auckland’s Top Tips

CPC Optimisation: Auckland’s Top Tips

Auckland, New Zealand is a beautiful, metropolitan city with a thriving economy. This makes it the perfect place to start a business. But with so many businesses competing for customers, how can you make sure your business stands out from the rest? One way to do this...
The Top Tips for CPC Optimisation in Auckland

The Top Tips for CPC Optimisation in Auckland

As the largest and most ethnically diverse city in New Zealand, Auckland is home to a range of unique cultures and cuisines. The city is also home to a number of businesses and industries, making it a competitive market for businesses. CPC optimisation is a process...
Googlebot: SEO Mythbusting – What Google Wants

Googlebot: SEO Mythbusting – What Google Wants

Google's main crawler is called Googlebot . Googlebot retrieves the content of webpages (the words, code and resources that make up the webpage). It then sends the information to Google. Google uses this information in its Google search engine to determine what sites...
Page Speed: SEO Mythbusting – What Google Wants

Page Speed: SEO Mythbusting – What Google Wants

It's all about speed – no one wants to wait for a page to load – and Google has been saying for ages that they want a super fast internet. Basically Page Speed can be simply stated as “the amount of time that it takes for a webpage to load.” Sounds simple, but getting...
SEO Mythbusting 101

SEO Mythbusting 101

Wondering how to do SEO? So are millions of other people around the world. Long gone are the days of keyword stuffing, cheaply made articles that have a 400-word count from ‘Native English Writers' (that also say will pass Copyscape) No, Google wants and demands more…...

Mobile Beats TV For The First Time

This year marks the first time that Americans will spend more time staring down at their phones and tablets than they will watching television. – View the article here No matter where you go, you will see someone on their mobile device – most people even sleep wit...

The Dawn Of Tomorrow

As humans, we naturally dream and think about the future, what will it be like? Where will we be? Will we get that Ferrari, and the partner we most want? Will we achieve all those dreams that we had when we were younger and planned out our future? As Entrepreneurs, as...