SEO troubleshooting with Browser Devtools

SEO troubleshooting with Browser Devtools

In this video, the speaker highlights the use of browser Developer Tools and Google Search Console to troubleshoot technical issues on a website. The video starts with a scenario where a website was tested on a staging URL and there were technical problems in Google...
Googlebot: SEO Mythbusting – What Google Wants

Googlebot: SEO Mythbusting – What Google Wants

Google's main crawler is called Googlebot . Googlebot retrieves the content of webpages (the words, code and resources that make up the webpage). It then sends the information to Google. Google uses this information in its Google search engine to determine what sites...
Page Speed: SEO Mythbusting – What Google Wants

Page Speed: SEO Mythbusting – What Google Wants

It's all about speed – no one wants to wait for a page to load – and Google has been saying for ages that they want a super fast internet. Basically Page Speed can be simply stated as “the amount of time that it takes for a webpage to load.” Sounds simple, but getting...