by editor editor | Jun 1, 2015 | Advertise Online, News, Web Design
If you currently are using Google’s free PageSpeed Service to speed up your web pages, you should probably start looking for another service now. That’s because Google recently announced that it is cancelling its PageSpeed service, effective in August.... by editor editor | May 23, 2015 | Advertise Online, Web Design
When Google launched its’ Penguin and Panda updates to its search engine algorithm, it became pretty obvious that the gig was up when it came to using backlinks to improve an individual web page’s site ranking. For years, black hat IMers had been packing... by editor editor | May 11, 2015 | Advertise Online, Web Design
Many Internet marketers remember February 2011 very clearly. It was when Google rolled out its Panda update, which instantly changed the way websites were ranked by the Internet search engine giant’s algorithm. Will Googles latest update – that rolled out... by editor editor | Apr 29, 2015 | Advertise Online, Web Design
With the coming of the mobile revolution being heralded for years, it seems we’re finally here (even though it came in with a whimper, more than a bang). With that said, it’s now critical that every marketer that wants to stay competitive be not only... by editor editor | Mar 25, 2015 | Advertise Online, Motivational, Web Design
Do you have a landing page that is under-performing or not converting at all? If so, consider the fact that many landing pages out there follow three extremely flawed approaches for content creation. If your landing page falls into one of these three categories,... by editor editor | Jan 25, 2015 | Advertise Online, Web Design
For your site to have a great ranking you need to consider not just the meta data, but also take into account the actual content you add to your site and the site layout in general. Keywords We have already gone over the importance of having interesting, regular...